Friday, November 21, 2008

Dare 2 Dream!

so, here is the deal. My 17 year old cousin is awesome! I can only hope that one day my kids will have the ability and confidance to stand up for thier beliefs, especially in a society that says you are wrong.
Short story.. at homecoming she was asked to leave the dance because she took her shawl off and her sholder was exposed. It was very hot in the dance and difficult to dance. So, here in Utah, they have the market set for the dances.. with the dress codes, which I totally understand having. However, the schools can not really expect the girls to go out and spend a couple hundred on a dress that will just make them look like a brides made, (what kind of message does that send to teen girls. Yeah, a whole different post. It goes along the one...why do they have bridal shows at the high schools?) so, to buy a dress off the rack at the mall or department stores, you have to spend a ton to get them altered anyway.. Well, after she was told to leave, her and her friends decided to have thier own 'Alternate Dance'. No dress code. One girl came in her PJs. not my idea of style but she was comfortable and welcome! All the girls were dressed nice. Some dresses were pretty short, but no body parts were showing. Some of the dancing was close, but really, I remember that in High school, or kids kissing on the dance floor. So, katie and her friends, asked Brock and I to chaperone along with her parents and the other girls parents. They rented a building, sold tickets. $15 bucks in advance per couple $20 at the door per couple. They decorated with balloons and glow sticks and streamers. It was soo cool. Huge success and they did it all on thier own. They learned so much from it. Way to go Kate, Sylvia and Tyler!