Friday, November 21, 2008

Dare 2 Dream!

so, here is the deal. My 17 year old cousin is awesome! I can only hope that one day my kids will have the ability and confidance to stand up for thier beliefs, especially in a society that says you are wrong.
Short story.. at homecoming she was asked to leave the dance because she took her shawl off and her sholder was exposed. It was very hot in the dance and difficult to dance. So, here in Utah, they have the market set for the dances.. with the dress codes, which I totally understand having. However, the schools can not really expect the girls to go out and spend a couple hundred on a dress that will just make them look like a brides made, (what kind of message does that send to teen girls. Yeah, a whole different post. It goes along the one...why do they have bridal shows at the high schools?) so, to buy a dress off the rack at the mall or department stores, you have to spend a ton to get them altered anyway.. Well, after she was told to leave, her and her friends decided to have thier own 'Alternate Dance'. No dress code. One girl came in her PJs. not my idea of style but she was comfortable and welcome! All the girls were dressed nice. Some dresses were pretty short, but no body parts were showing. Some of the dancing was close, but really, I remember that in High school, or kids kissing on the dance floor. So, katie and her friends, asked Brock and I to chaperone along with her parents and the other girls parents. They rented a building, sold tickets. $15 bucks in advance per couple $20 at the door per couple. They decorated with balloons and glow sticks and streamers. It was soo cool. Huge success and they did it all on thier own. They learned so much from it. Way to go Kate, Sylvia and Tyler!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Proud parents

This is one of Dillon's many takles this year. We are so proud of both Chris and Dill they have worked very hard this year. Chris's team has made it to the championship game against Loan Peak on November 1st. Dillon really liked playing corner back, he took his job very serious and did it very well, he finished the season with 18 tackles. WAY TO GO BOYS!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Football Mom's Pride!

Well, let me tell you! This last week, our Mom and Dad Foidel came to town to visit. I wonder if they are kind of bored. At this time of year, our life revolves around football. 6 days a week, then sunday football on TV. I, Heather have never been a big football follower. Yeah, in Middle School and Highschool I was. What girl wasn't? It was all about the boys in tight pants. Anyway. Living here in Utah, football starts younger. Age 6. Chris our oldest started last year as a 9 year old. He seems to love the team and they really like him. He is not the best, but oh my god! This last saturday he had a fantasmic tackle. I was so excited, Brock was so excited, grandparents, so excited, little brother, coaches and team it was awesome. let me set it up for you. Parents pride here, be patient with me. :) so, he was on defence, this kid came around from the other side, he had moved past the first set of defence, chris was it... he was running up the sidelines, we were screaming, 'get him chris, go!' you get the idea. Well, in the back of my mind, I had a feeling he would get a hold of the guy, but then let go. at 10, that happens. So, when i see threw the team that was jumping up and down, i see chris airborne. I am think, 'oh shit' yeah, that is what i thought.. He is going for it! my heart is pounding with mama's pride! i am wanting to cry... he locks the kid up and down for the tackle! the rest of the team piles on! I really hope they got it on video. but it was really close to the camara. The coaches were all high-fiving him and the team and all the other parents were congrats him. It was all i could do to stay back and let him live in his glory moment. I didn't want to be one of those moms. but man, are we beaming football parents. Now we know why we have 3 practices a week, 2 hours a day, film day for 1 1/2 hours, then game day on saturday. That one game. dillons game was great too. but i just had to brag a bit about Chris. :) Thanks for the indulging.I will post a pic as soon as I can get it transfered from the film.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Brock and Heather on the left. Below us with Dillon on the dumb farris wheel at California Adventure. I have found out, i don't like them. AT ALL!!!

A little Jeeping up Rattlesnake Canyon about 15 miles from our house.

Thanksgiving Point after we went on a carriage ride with DD, Keith, Mike and Marissa.

My dad and Chris and Dillon at the edge of Bryce Canyon. Having a little Papa and Grandson time. When they got back, they were soooo dirty. It was great!

blog virgins.

ok.. i created a blog. i have one from work, but it never gets updated and i figured this would be fun. Sarah, my cousin does such a great job.
Brock and I will update this as we feel like it, which for the next few months, may not be often, but i will link the football to it so you all can see Dill's team. I will try and add Chris's, but they don't have a blog