Thursday, January 15, 2009

Key West, Belize, Cozumel

Well, this is a little delayed but at least I am getting around to it! It was so much fun! Kids had the time of thier life. I didn't think that they did then, but looking back, I know they had a great time. We went to Key West, home of Margaritaville and Jimmy Buffet, and great art, history and so much more! We then headed to Cozumel. Here we rented a car and drove the island, hit a few of the ruins and did some shopping. Then we went to Belize. We stayed on ship this day while my parents went on an excursion. We had the pool and boat to ourself and it was great to spend this time with the boys. Royal Caribbean definatly has a fantastic kids program and the staff goes above and beyond what is needed with some energetic boys.


Sarah said...

I am so jealous. I would love to go on ANY cruise. After watching Mama Mia I want to go to the Greek Isles. It looks so gorgeous. Scott keeps telling me "for one of our big anniversaries." What exactly constitutes a "big anniversary?"

teresa said...

Heather...we are already doing football stuff. CAll us Ryan and Teresa